Asa: Military Romance (Overwatch Division Book 2) Read online

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  “I said keep your hands above your head.” Giving me a stern look that only makes me want him more, I toss my hands above my head. “Good, now keep them there or I will stop again. You don’t want that do you, baby?”

  In my taut erotic state, I can only manage to nod my head no. Pleased with my response, he grins and goes right back to his assault in between my legs.

  It becomes too much and my legs begin to shake. I dig my nails into my hands to hold them in place. He senses how close I am and slams two of his thick fingers inside of me and moves his mouth to my clit. Fluttering his tongue across it in rapid flicks.

  “Holy hell,” I exhale loudly, knowing I will explode any second.

  He finger fucks me with continued skill and precision as he sucks my clit into his mouth. The result is instantaneous. My body bows off the sofa and I scream as my orgasm erupts, sending me into the stratosphere. I swear I can see stars behind my eyelids. I pray I’m not having a damn aneurism.

  Asa continues to leisurely lick my pussy like it’s a piece of delicious candy. He doesn’t stop until I finally return to Earth. He climbs up my body, and I can see my arousal gleaming on his face.

  “Fuck the pizza. Your sweet pussy tastes delicious. It’s my new favorite snack.”

  I want to laugh, but I am still panting slowly. Coming down off of my orgasmic high. It literally took my breath away.

  “You okay, baby?" he asks.

  “I’m more than okay.“

  “Good.” He answers with a satisfied grin. “I aim to please.”

  Asa kisses my lips just as the doorbell rings. He grins down at me, and I look at him with eyes wide as saucers.

  “It’s only the pizza.”

  He gets up, wiping his mouth with his hand as he walks toward the door. Turning back as his hand touches the knob he chuckles.

  “You might want to pull that shirt down. Unless of course, you want the pizza guy to see what a perfect pussy looks like.”

  Feeling my cheeks heat, I sit up quickly, yanking the shirt down to cover me completely.

  He pays for the pizza, goes into the kitchen, and returns with two plates. He hands me one and sits next to me. I bring it up to my nose and inhale the intoxicating fragrance of garlic, cheese, and sauce. I look over at Asa when I hear him chuckle.

  “What?” I ask as I adjust my position.

  “Nothing, I’ve just never seen someone breathe in their pizza before.”

  I don’t respond. I just take a huge bite, letting the cheese stretch as I pull it back. “This is some bomb ass pizza.”

  He nods his head, taking a bite of his. “It’s from my favorite Italian restaurant. Everything they make is delicious. They make the sauce from scratch. We should go there one night and get the ziti.”

  Just like that, I know that he wants more out of this than just tonight. This causes my heart to pick up a frantic beat and those pesky butterflies to return. I didn’t know what to expect after tonight, but knowing he wants more makes a smile creep its way to my face. I can feel his eyes on me, as I try to concentrate on eating my pizza.

  “Hey,” he says quietly.

  I look up at him. “Hey.”

  We both laugh and he shakes his head. “What are you thinking about that made that beautiful smile appear?”

  I don’t want to appear like some needy, lonely woman so I say, “The pizza. It makes me happy.”

  He nudges my shoulder with his, and I look into his smiling eyes. “No doubt the pizza is good, but what really made you smile?”

  With my heart in my throat, I blow out a breath. “You said you wanted to take me to try the ziti. It made me happy to know that after tonight I’ll see you again.”

  He takes my plate out of my hands and places both of them on the coffee table. He grabs ahold of my hands, searching my eyes.

  “I know we just met, Hillary, but I have every intention of seeing where this goes. I’m not just settling for one night. That would be a disservice to us both.”

  My breathing speeds up as my heart nearly beats out of my chest. “I like the sound of that.”

  And for the first time in years, I know for sure that I will do anything I can to have ‘more’ with this sexy, panty melting, romantic guy. I realize just how lonely I’ve been, how empty my life’s been, and I want him to be the one that makes it all different.

  I’ve been a shell of a woman. A frightened one. Living my life vicariously through my clients. Not letting myself experience anything fun because I was too scared of being let down or hurt.

  I’ve been so wrapped up in my career and business that I let no one get that close to me. My armor has been up for years and I didn’t even realize it. It wasn’t that I couldn’t meet the right guys; It was because I never let another person in to even try.

  But I want to let Asa in.

  More than anything I want him to be the man who can help me break my bad habits. He’s so open and honest and forthcoming. I want him to be the one to teach me how to be all of that in a relationship and not be frightened of it.

  I don’t even know if he wants anything more serious, but is it weird that I do so quickly? Is it weird of how much I would be willing to do for just a chance with him?

  I’ve never felt this way before, but it’s almost like something is blossoming inside me. Like something is coming together for the first time in my life. I wouldn’t call it love at first sight, but there’s definitely something.

  I’m not saying I’m in love, hardly, but I’m open to the idea of it. I’m willing to open myself up to the possibilities of what Asa could bring to my life. The things he could teach me. The wealth of pleasure he can bring to my body is insane, and I know that we have only scratched the surface. I can feel it in my bones that I would love being with him.

  Chapter Eight


  Is it strange that I have a woman I barely know sleeping over in my brand new house? Is it weird that we’re laying in bed, spooning? I just can’t turn my mind off about this girl. I can’t turn my mind off at the possibility of more with her.

  I thought after I came home from my tour that I wouldn’t want a relationship, but now I find myself wanting one with her. I want to know everything there is to know about this woman. I want her to know everything about me too. Is it crazy? Most likely, it is.

  Hillary and I are lying in bed on our sides, resting on our arms, facing each other. After we ate, and I tasted her delicious pussy again, I carried her satisfied body to my room and we had sex again. This time I put her on all fours and banged her pussy from the back. My dick grew harder every time she said my name in the sweetest agony.

  It is the craziest thing that I feel this incredible pull to her. When I’m inside of her, I want her more. When I have her pussy in my mouth, I feel like I need to savor every drop she drips. When I’m on top of her, I feel like I’m not close enough. Never in my life have I felt this way, but I’ll be damned if I’m going to let it go. Not anytime soon.

  We have been talking for hours, getting to know everything we can about each other. The more she shares, the closer I feel to her. It’s just all so easy. Nothing about this is difficult. Right now, we are discussing our worst dates.

  “So the check comes, and he pushes it to me. I thought it was a joke at first, but he started to get up and I knew I was paying for dinner.” She laughs through the whole story and the sound is like music.

  “You should have thanked him for the night by kicking him in the nuts.” We both laugh, and I kiss her sweet lips. “I’ll pay for dinner tomorrow.” I give her a wink, and that smile she tries to keep hidden breaks through.

  We talk for about an hour more about dating and somewhere along the line; she lays her head on my chest. She fits so perfectly, like she was made just for me. I have my one arm wrapped around her, rubbing her soft skin.

  “What is your biggest fear?” she asks, almost like she is in another world.

  “Failure,” I say without a second thought.

  “Failing at what?” She takes a deep breath when I kiss her head.

  “Failing life. Failing my family, failing to figure out my next steps in my career, and failing at finding true love.”

  She’s quiet, and I’m surprised she doesn’t give me some kind of reassurance like she’s done all night.

  “What about you?” I return the question. “What is your biggest fear?”

  “Being a liar. A fraud.”

  I dip my brows in confusion at this. What the hell does that mean?

  “You’re scared you’ll become a liar?”

  She says nothing, and it piques my curiosity.

  “Hey, why would you be scared of that? If you fear being a liar, then just don’t lie,” I say jokingly, and she simply nods her head.

  “You know, when I walked into the bar tonight and saw you, I hoped that you were the one I was meeting.” She giggles as she says it, and I smile.

  “I have a confession.”

  She lifts her head, resting her chin on my chest so she can see my eyes.

  My smile gets bigger, and I kiss her forehead. “Tonight is not the first time we saw each other.”

  She tilts her head to the side and gives me a look of confusion.

  “What? Yes, it was.”

  “No, it wasn’t. A few weeks ago, the day I put the bid in on this house, I went to a bar to grab a beer. You sat next to me. I thought you were beautiful, and I was going to tell you that as I was leaving, but when you turned and I saw your face.” I close my eyes and let that moment rush through me. I open them and continue, “I thought, no you aren’t beautiful, you are stunning. I put money down on the bar and told you your next drink was on me.”

  Her mouth drops open and her expressive eyes widen in shock.

  “Oh my God, I remember that,” she whispers.

  I smile and run my hand through her hair.

  “When I realized it was you on our date, I couldn’t believe it. I mean it has to be fate, right?”

  She smiles and kisses my chest. “Or St. Valentine.”

  We both laugh and she lays her head back down on my chest. We don’t say anything for a while, just stay wrapped up in each other's warmth. I can’t keep my hands still. I need to rub, massage, or trace her delicate skin.


  “Hmm?” she replies quietly.

  I can tell she is starting to drift off to sleep, and I want to be sure to say everything I want tonight. No regrets.

  “Tonight was one of the best dates of my life, definitely the best Valentine’s Day I’ve ever had,” I say chuckling. “I want you to know that this doesn’t end when we wake up, it just begins.”

  Her arm resting across my stomach tightens around me. “I don’t want it to end. Please don’t let it end.”

  My heart aches at her pleading tone, and now I’m wondering if someone has hurt her. I’ll be damned if I hurt her, not on purpose anyway.

  “Baby, this is just our beginning. It only ends if you end it, because I don’t think I’d be able to.”

  “I really like you and the way you make me feel.” I’m not sure if she is sad, tired, or a combination of both, but her voice is so low I need to strain to hear it.

  I continue tracing circles on her bare back and reach for her hand, entwining our fingers.

  “I really like you, too. I think maybe we both found a little happiness tonight, and I’m sure as hell not going to let that go.”

  She doesn’t say anything back, just slightly nods her head. I grin and bring her hand to my mouth, kissing her fingers.

  “Sleep, baby.”

  Not even five minutes later, I feel her body completely relax and her breathing even out. I close my eyes, letting her slow measured breathing lull me to sleep.

  * * *

  When I open my eyes the next morning, I can’t believe I still have Hillary wrapped around me. In the past, I would have been out the door before the sun ever even rose or I would have taken the woman home. But Hillary is different.

  Now I find myself snuggling her a little closer to me, sniffing in the scent of her body. My cock hardens as I think about everything I’ve experienced with this woman so far. Fucking amazing.

  It is the best way to wake up, wrapped in a beautiful naked woman. As much as I want to devour her body, when I glance at the clock and see it is almost noon, I know we need to get up. We need to get our vehicles out of the bar parking lot before they are towed, if they haven’t been already.


  Every part of me doesn’t want to leave this bed.

  I’m tripping right now. I know this. I don’t want her wake her, because I’m a little afraid that she’ll leave and I’ll never see her again. What if this was a one date wonder? What if she just told me what I wanted to hear last night? What if all of that was the alcohol talking? I mean, am I even her type? I’m a corn fed, high-school educated, Midwestern boy. A military man, low on cash, big on family, with a bum knee.

  I guess I’m going to just have to trust based on what has gone down between us in the last twenty-four hours that she’ll be in my bed tomorrow. If I did my job, like I think I did, she’ll be back.

  In fact, the thought of that makes me smile and makes my already stiffening dick rock mega hard. There are a couple of more positions we need to tackle before I feel like I’ve sufficiently ruined her for anyone else.

  I glance down at her when she stirs and catch sight of her dark nipple and know there is no way we are getting out of this bed without sex first. I gently roll her until she is on her back and I’m on top of her. She’s so hot.

  She cracks open her eyes and I grin. “Morning, gorgeous. Did you sleep all right?”

  She reaches up, wrapping her delicate arms around my neck and smiles. “I did. Waking up like this is pretty amazing, too.”

  I give her a wink before I press my lips to hers. She tastes just as sweet as last night and it makes me want to slam into her. I can’t be too eager though because I’m afraid I’ll hurt her. She was so tight when I first touched her I thought I’d bust a nut just pushing inside.

  She moans, breaking my thoughts and I kiss a path down to her inviting nipples, hard and begging for my touch. I suck one at a time into my mouth and she whispers my name. I need to be inside of her.

  I reach my hand down to see if she is wet and growl when my hand is greeted by her warm, dripping arousal.

  “Your pussy is wet and ready for me, baby.”

  I reach over to the nightstand to get a condom and rip it open with my teeth, never breaking my hold on her heated eyes.

  I position myself at her entrance and reach up to hold both of her hands. She has a pleading look on her face as I slowly push into her hot, tight, heat. It is like fucking heaven being inside of her.

  “Oh God, Asa.”

  Hearing her blissful moans encourages me to pick up my pace. I won’t last long so I need to make sure she comes first. The faster I move, the more her tits bounce up and down, making my cock even harder inside her.

  “Fuck, Hillary. You are sweet perfection.” I can feel her tightening on me, and I reach down to rub her clit. Once my finger makes contact, she screams for sweet mercy.

  “Pleasssse, I’m comminggg.”

  “That’s right, baby. Feel it. Let it take you over.”

  I’ve come to realize that Hillary likes when I talk to her, which is good, because I’m a talker in bed.

  “Asa!” she screams as her orgasm finds her.

  Hearing my name fall from her mouth has my balls tightening and I pick up my speed. Her back arches and she moans unintelligible words as her orgasm continues. I feel mine taking over. I throw my head back growling her name, and I release myself inside of her. There is no better feeling.

  When we both are able to catch our breaths, I smile down at her. “Best way to wake up.”

  She giggles and leans up to press her mouth to mine. We let our tongues explore for a while before she pulls away.

  “I could
get used to this.”

  Pulling her into a hug, I whisper in her ear, “I sure hope so.”

  I never thought this would be me. Happy to have a woman in my arms. It’s insane, right? I still can’t believe this is happening to me.

  When I left Afghanistan, I never wanted to bring a woman into my misery of trying to come to terms with everything that happened over there.

  It was too brutal. Too much to handle. I would never want to carry that burden and place it on the shoulders of my partner. Plus there’s so much of it I can’t share. So much that is protected by law.

  That’s why relationships were always a no go for me. It would just be too hard to explain the way I felt when I first came home.

  My team and I were on the ground, returning from an overnight mission when our Humvee took a hit. I don’t remember much; all I do remember is waking up next to Pete who had lost a couple fingers from the explosion and also losing a very good friend of mine. AJ Nanders. I’ll never forget his wicked charm and the way he could burp the alphabet.

  Not a charming quality I know, but it always made us laugh. It made everything we were doing over there feel normal. Made the heat, and battle of it all feel like there was some purpose.

  I never fought because I cared about the reasons why. No, I fought for the men and women I served with. They were my family, and I just don’t know how Hillary would handle all this info being laid down on her. Especially because this is all so sudden. So new. So not the normal for me.

  We lay there for a few minutes before I tell her we really need to get dressed and get our vehicles. We climb out of bed, and I watch her closely as she covers her perfect body piece by piece. Once we are both dressed, we head out to the living room.

  “I’m going to call an Uber to take us back to the bar. Would you like to go get something to eat after?”

  She agrees to our late brunch and I make my call. After the car drops us off, I’m relieved to see that my motorcycle is still there as well as her car.

  We decide to go to the diner up the road, and as I climb onto my bike, she slides into her car. I follow her there and when we park, I rush to her car and open the door, reaching my hand down for hers. She places her hand in mine, and I yank her to me.